Like a lot of people, I do buy the local Sunday newspaper, but I don't buy it for the news. I get it for the ads and coupons inside. I already get all of my news online, for free I might add, and most of the news in the Sunday paper is usually news I have already read online or seen on TV or heard on the radio.

But, there are a lot of ads and coupons in the Sunday paper which help you save several dollars on your next trip to the supermarket, or inform you of sales coming up at your favorite stores. To me, this usually made the $1.50 cost of the paper worth it to me each Sunday, until now.

You can get many of the same ads and coupons from other sources, including online and in the store itself, eliminating the need to buy the Sunday paper for the coupons and ads alone. Here are the web sites I check out for regular savings: - Contains links to the weekly sales circulars for several stores, including supermarkets, department and clothing stores and electronics stores. - More links to weekly sales circulars and coupons. - Put away your scissors. Now you can clip coupons online. - Earn cash back for all of your online purchases. Right now you get $5.00 just for signing up, which consists of entering an email address and any password you want. It literally took me about ten seconds. You can add your address and other info later to receive your check. Checks are payable every three months when your account is greater than $5.01, so you're almost there right after you sign up! You can sign up here. Also, earn an additional $5.00 when you refer friends and they sign up. - I usually get these coupons in the mail, but they are available online, too.

Do you have a favorite coupon or online shopping site that saves you money? Tell us about it!


  1. Unknown // October 26, 2007 at 6:12 AM  

    I wanted to put in your email address at the ebates sign-up so that you get $5 (why shouldn't you? -- doesn't cost me anything), but I couldn't find contact info on the website. Maybe now's the time to make a new ebates account and a gmail address for your website?

    I'm in no hurry to join -- post an address here within the next week and I'm happy to send $5 from ebates your way.

  2. T // October 26, 2007 at 10:28 AM  

    Actually, if you click on the "sign up here" link in the article and then join, I will get credit for it. I have that link set up with a referral code. If you would prefer to use an email address to use me as a referal, you can use savvyfrugality at Of course, type the symbol for "at", I just spelled it out to thwart the spammers.

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